Friday, August 10, 2012

Residents of Sangkat Chroy Changva were told to move.

This morning there were many authorities who went to Phom 1 and Phom 2 in order to evict people who have lived in the boat on the Mekong River. Mr. Mak Kriya, representative of residents said the yesterday there were 10 navies who come here to evict us but we blocked them then they went back. They went us to move to live new place at Derm Kork, Kean Kleng and Lathea village. We don’t want to go there because at there has no School, market and far from city. There was a family who live on land; she agreed to move because she said if she did not move, authorities would fire her house. She said her family did not get any compensation and she does not know where she would go.
In 2010, the authorities used to attempt to evict the residents but that time they asked for intervention from Mr. Heng Samrin , Chairman of national assembly then it was quite.
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