Saturday, October 27, 2012

Suspend EBA Resolution adopted by EU Parliament

The EU Parliament has taken a step forward to render justice to the victims of the Cambodian government economic land concession policy. This is the first time that we can see a sign of hope. With mounting pressure from all fronts including taking these companies to court, there is hope that the global Blood Sugar campaign is showing success. The next step is the actual suspension of the Everything But Arms scheme. Yes, we want development. But we do not need development with disastrous consequences on natural resources and a development that is of trickle down effect and that rips our families apart. The EU governments is committed to the protection of human rights, no doubt. But the facade of democracy and development policies that have taken Cambodia farther and father away from sustainability, protection and dignity of our people should not be rewarded. The EU recommendations must be enforced and the EU must call on the Cambodian government to honor the contract it has signed when receiving aid assistance from the EU. The EU with other major donors that champion democracy and human rights should urge the government to accept the proposal by the opposition for national reconciliation at this moment as the entire nation is mourning the passing away of our revered Father King. The EU Parliament call for free and fair elections is very legitimate and timely. Let there be free and fair election and let the people make their choice for a government that is legitimate and that can put Cambodia on the right track for democracy. Posted by Socheata at 2:35 PM 0 comments Links to this post Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Petition in front of the UN HQ in Geneva on 23 October 2012 សូមជូនវីដេអូអានញាត្តិជាភាសាបារាំង នៅពេលបាតុកម្មនាថ្ងៃទី២៣ តុលា ២០១២ នាទីក្រុងសឺណែវ ។ La pétition prononcée en français devant le siège de l'ONU à Genève pendant la manifestation du 23 octobre 2012. Petition reading in french in front of the UN Headquarters in Geneva during the rally on October 23rd 2012. SRP-Europe P

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