Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kindly circulate to your networks and contacts in Cambodia and to those who will be in Phnom Penh during AGPA and ACSC/APF.

FIDC logo


FIDC Asia-Pacific Regional Forum
Phnom Penh, Cambodia*
15 November 2012

The Asia-Pacific region is often depicted as a bright spot amidst the gloomy global landscape. India, China and other newly industrialized economies in the region have achieved high levels of economic growth but the promised benefits of rapid growth have been unevenly spread, with a great majority of the population continually living below the poverty line.

Because of the perceived growth in developing countries in Asia-Pacific, it has become the subject of special attention among international and regional multilateral institutions, and has recaptured the interest of external powers like the United States. To accelerate economic growth, reduce economic disparities and increase productivity and employment, international and regional financial institutions (e.g. IMF, World Bank, ADB) as well as other regional intergovernmental formations (e.g. ASEAN, EAS, APEC, SAARC) have continually encouraged the implementation of neoliberal policies and principles (manifest in the region’s trade, defense policies, among others) that only end up promoting further the interests of corporations and multinational firms while neglecting their impact on the rest of the population.

Asia has a long history of continuing struggles for democracy and liberation. As the region faces multiple crises against the backdrop of supposed boom, it is important to unravel and question the so-called success stories of development and growth in Asia. The need to strengthen people’s solidarity in battling new forms of capitalist aggression and struggling for democratic alternatives has never been more crucial. 

*venue details to be announced later

Organized by:
   IEPALA logo  
In coordination with CIS-Asia:
  APRN logo        Gabriela      IBON
                          International          IMA logoFMA logo                              


The International Forum on Democracy and Cooperation (or FIDC by its acronyms in Spanish) is part of the long process of creation, animation and strengthening of a network platform for civil society for the democratization of development cooperation of peoples from the South. To amplify critical voices from the region, FIDC Asia-Pacific was launched as an open platform that seeks to build synergies among civil society and social movements in the region to strengthen international solidarity, people-to-people exchange, promote mutual learning, coordinate actions, conduct common campaigns, and reach out to more people’s organizations and social movements throughout Asia and the Pacific towards strengthening people’s resistance against capitalist forms of oppression and people’s capacity for building democratic alternatives.

**For questions and more details, kindly contact Erin Palomares at

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