Wednesday, June 20, 2012

HRC20: OHCHR's side event on regional human rights mehcanisms (June 18)

Of your interest, a few points from the yesterday's side event:

Om Yentieng gave a short introduction to AICHR - particularly on its thematic studies and the drafting of the ASEAN HR Declaration. Though the side event was to discuss the cooperation issues between regional and international human rights mechanisms (UN Human Rights Council in particular), he couldn't present much experience on the subject other than some academic tours made by AICHR to UN and international agencies for its thematic studies on CSR, migrant workers and the right to peace.

From the floor we asked him if AICHR plans to share the draft Declaration with the independent experts of the UN Special Procedures and the Treaty Bodies for soliciting their insights and comments on the draft, as a way to enhance cooperation with the UN human rights mechanisms. He provided only a general response by saying that in the lead up to the adoption of the Declaration at the ASEAN Summit in November, they will continue to "receive" views and suggestions from anyone interested "over emails, conversations, etc". It seemed to me that he didn't have any idea on what should be the institutional approach as AICHR vis-a-vis the Human Rights Council and its subsidiary procedures.  

Also, we raised the issue of those regional and international NGOs whose requests to participate in the KL consultation this week got opposed by AICHR, and emphasized the 11 May press release by the High Commissioner Navi Pillay in which she called for "a meaningful consultation on the draft with the widest spectrum of people in the region before it is presented to ASEAN's foreign ministers in July. (". He responded that AICHR members could not reach to consensus over the participation of some NGOs, and instead the government of Cambodia in its national capacity will invite a broader range of regional and international NGOs to a meeting in Phnom Penh on 2 or 3 July. After the side event, we were asking him informally about FA's request to participate in the KL consultation, he "stressed" that it was not him/Cambodia who opposed FA. By the way, the document on, is something that we can use here in Geneva to shame the permanent missions concerned?

Lastly, FYI, as a follow-up to the workshop held in Geneva on 3-4 May 2010 and in accordance with the Human Rights Council resolution 18/14, OHCHR will convene its second workshop on "enhancing cooperation between international and regional mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights" in Geneva on 3-5 September 2012. This workshop will discuss practical cooperation issues in the areas of 1) exchange of information, 2) joint actions, and 3) follow-up to recommendations. Around 10 civil society participants will be invited to this workshop.

Regards, Giyoun

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Giyoun Kim <> wrote:
Dear all,

FYI, attached is a flyer for the today's side event in Geneva, "Enhancing Cooperation with Regional and Sub-regional Human Rights Mechanisms", which will be organized by OHCHR together with the permanent missions of Armenia, Belgium, Mexico, Senegal, Qatar and Thailand. Om Yentieng, the Cambodian AICHR rep will be speaking on the panel.

Regards, Giyoun

Giyoun Kim
Deputy Executive Director
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
66/2 Pan Road, Silom, Bang-Rak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
Tel: +66 (0)2 637 9126-7 (ext. 205) Fax: +66 (0)2 637 9128
Rue de Varembé 1, 2nd Floor, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 740 2947 Fax: +41 (0)22 740 2948
Mobile: +66 (0)85 120 5898 (Bangkok) +41 (0)79 595 7931 (Geneva)

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