All Talk, Little Action: Two Years After UN
Human Rights Review, Cambodia Continues to Ignore Key
March 22, 2012
March 22, 2012
This week
marks the two year
anniversary of the UN Human Rights Council’s adoption of
Cambodia’s Universal Period Review (UPR) outcome report.
Remarkably, during the UPR, Cambodia accepted all 91
recommendations presented by dozens of countries on a wide range
of human rights issues. Since then, the government has tasked
the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) with coordinating
Cambodia’s response – a process which has amounted to little, if
any, meaningful implementation of the recommendations by
relevant state institutions.
After two
years of ignoring the
substance of the majority of those recommendations, and two
years of an ever deteriorating human rights landscape, the
Cambodian government owes the UPR delegates and Working Group,
and most of all its own citizens, an explanation.
Rather than
fully implementing
the 2001 Land Law and instituting a “moratorium on evictions
until safeguards such as full compensation and access to basic
services in resettlement areas can be guaranteed”[1],
the government has ramped up activities that fuel land
conflicts. Opaque long-term land leases to private companies,
forced evictions, and other land rights abuses have increased at
an alarming rate. At least 11,000 families were newly affected
by land rights abuses in 2011, a year that also saw an enormous
increase in the issuance of economic land concessions. Indeed,
over 300,000 hectares of concessions have now been granted in
protected areas, posing a dire threat to the country’s
environmental sustainability.
Rather than
closing Cambodia’s
“so-called rehabilitation centres, where poor people living on
the streets arrested in police operations are held”[2],
the government has continued to operate such centers, despite
mounting criticism and ever-increasing documentation of
wide-spread abuses. In January 2012, the government arbitrarily
detained 30 victims of a forced eviction in one such center,
including six children, after arresting them during a protest in
Phnom Penh. The detainees were not charged with any crime, but
were held against their will for a week, until they were able to
Rather than
adopting and
enacting the Law on the Status of Judges and the amendment of
the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Supreme
Council of Magistracy[3],
as civil society has urged long before the UPR, and rather than
taking any other concrete steps to ensure the independence of
the judiciary[4],
the government has continued to demonstrate a complete disregard
for the rule of law and the independence of the judicial branch.
At least seven episodes of gun violence at protests have been
documented since November 2011, but there have been arrests in
only one case – and only following the Prime Minister’s highly
publicized demand for action against the specific perpetrators
in that case. The ongoing impunity for the perpetrators of six
recent incidents is particularly troubling given that there is
clear video and photographic evidence and dozens of witnesses to
the violence.
Notably, the
most egregious
recent case of lethal force used against protestors has
continued to result in no consequences for the shooter, despite
widespread media reports and international attention. On
February 20, 2012, three young women were shot during worker
protests in front of garment factories in Svay Rieng province.
One suffered life-threatening wounds to her chest and required
extensive hospitalization. Shortly after the triple shooting,
Cambodia’s Minister of the Interior H.E. Sar Kheng stated
publicly that the shooter had been identified as Bavet town
governor, Chhouk Bandith.
On March 15,
2012, the
well-connected Chhouk was questioned by the authorities and
confessed to discharging his weapon during the protest, yet he
was not arrested. The Prosecutor has since stated that he will
focus only on the damage to the factories caused by the
protestors, and will not charge Chhouk with any crime – entirely
ignoring the prosecution’s independent duty to do so under
Cambodia’s Criminal Code of Procedure.
government has also failed
to ratify the Optional Protocols to the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).[5]
Nor has it accepted the request made by the Special Rapporteur
on the independence of judges and lawyers to visit the country.[6]
This is far
from the first time
Cambodia has shown a disregard for its commitments under
international treaties and mechanisms. The country’s first
periodic report due under the ICCPR was submitted five years
late. The second periodic report is currently nearly ten years
overdue. The country’s first report due under the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was submitted
over 15 years after the treaty’s ratification. Nearly as bad,
Cambodia’s first required report to the Committee Against
Torture (CAT) was 10 years late.
If the
highly involved UPR
process is to be worthwhile, governments must make a good faith
effort to abide by their promises with respect to the substance
of its recommendations. Cambodia’s track record over the past
two years shows no such good faith.
urges the government to
immediately stand by its word and take the following action:
§ Issue
a moratorium on forced
§ Suspend
the issuance of land
concessions, and re-evaluate existing economic land concessions
(ELCs) for compliance with the laws, which require, among other
things, public consultations with all affected individuals prior
to an ELC’s award.
§ Conduct
investigations into incidents involving gunfire during protests,
and prosecute those responsible to the full extent possible
under the law.
§ Ratify
the ICCPR’s Optional
Protocols, and issue a standing invitation to all UN human
rights special procedures.
§ Promulgate
the Law on the
Status of Judges, after meaningful consultation with all
relevant stakeholders and the opportunity for public debate on
its terms.
Recommended by Sweden, see
also similar recommendations by Mexico, Switzerland, France,
Ireland, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, New
Zealand, Austria, Myanmar, and the Netherlands.
recommendations by
Thailand, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, Slovakia,
Spain, Norway, Algeria and Morocco.
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